posted by Miss Marie @ 12:04pm, Thursday 9 March 2023.
Summer Registration Information
2024Camp Dates
June 27-30 Eagle camp (Entering Grades 9-12 grade in the fall)
July 11-14 Puma camp (Entering Grades 5-8 in the fall)
July18-21 Chippy Camp (Entering Grades 2-4 in the fall)
You may choose to register your camper on the Sign-Up Tab above or you may DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM, And THE CAMPER HEALTH RECORD FORM FROM THE WEBSITE. In either case you WILL need to DOWNLOAD THE CAMPER HEALTH RECORD FORM. Link To Downloads Page
Teepee Bible Camp is a non-profit, nondenominational, Bible-based camp incorporated by the State of Colorado.
- The Camp’s main goal is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to boys and girls in an outdoor environment, with specially planned activities.
- Activities include games, crafts, hiking, archery, gaga ball, 9-square-in-the-air, campfires, music, and team-building sports. Special emphasis is placed on Bible teaching and Christian living.
- Camps are 72 hours long but span 4 days (Thursday-Sunday). They begin at 5 p.m. the first day and end at 5p.m. the final day of each camp. The camp required minimum age is 7 years old by the first day of the camp in which you register. Camps are divided by those entering the following grades in the fall: 2-4, 5-8, and 9-12.
Teepee Bible Camp is a ministry of faith. We will do what is necessary to see that every youth wishing to have a camp experience has that opportunity. Our camp price will remain as low as we can possibly keep it. This is done by using the generous gifts of others who have a heart for children’s camping and ministry.
(Some camp grades have changed)
- Our camp can currently handle 72 campers per session. Applications for registration will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. We strongly encourage you to register early. Early Registration Deadline is June 1st after that date the camp fee increases by $30.
- The Camp Fee for all youth camps is $100 per camper per session, if registered by June 1st.
- Registering by June 1st will ensure your camper receives A FREE T-SHIRT. Registrations postmarked after this date will incur a $30 late fee plus $13 if they choose to buy a t-shirt.
- The last day to send in your registration or enroll online is 7 days prior to the first day of the camp in which you wish to enroll. We will take NO registrations after these dates. Fees for additional campers from the same family will be reduced by a sibling discount of $10 per additional child.
- Extra registration forms are available on our website. Click on the “Downloads” tab, choose Camper Documents then scroll to the bottom to choose 2024 Registration Form and 2024 Camper Health Record Form.
- Camp fees include insurance, craft supplies, 5X7 photo, and all meals and lodging. The pre-registration portion of the total fee is $50. This fee must accompany your submitted online or mailed form. It is included in the total camp fee and is non-refundable. The remainder of the fee will be paid on the first day of camp, or the total can be sent in advance when you submit the registration form, whichever you prefer.
- All checks or money orders should be made out to Teepee Bible Camp. Please do not send cash in the mail. Should a camper be unable to attend and the total amount has been sent in advance, the total fee minus the non-refundable portion will be refunded.
**You must obtain your own physical exam for your child within the 23 months prior to the date camp begins and make sure your Health Care Provider or Naturopath signs and dates the Camper Health Record Form each camp year.
- SCHOLARSHIPS: If you are having financial difficulties please see the Scholarship Information and form on the downloads page under Camper Documents. Campers whose parent or guardian volunteer for an entire camp will have their fees reduced by 50%.
- Complete the registration form and the camper health record form downloaded from the Downloads Page under Documents or Camper Documents. For Forms Click here. Once your camper’s medical form is completed and signed you may scan and email the document to
- When choosing a friend or relative to room with, please be aware that boys room together and girls room together. They must room with a friend or relative of the same gender as themselves. All information on the forms must be filled in correctly with all the required signatures or your child will not be enrolled in the camp. Sending your forms to the camp before your child arrives will ensure a shorter wait time during final registration opening day.
- Mail the completed forms as soon as possible with the pre-registration portion or full payment to:
7802 COUNTY ROAD 319 RIFLE, CO 81650
- Upon receipt of your correctly completed forms and the pre-registration portion, we will send you a confirmation e-mail or phone call. If for any reason you do not hear from us at least 1 week after you have mailed your forms, please call or e-mail us. (It may be that your online registration did not go through or your mailed registration was lost in the mail.) We will assign your child to a tepee according to their grade unless you request otherwise. The camper may request to room with one friend/relative. Please do not request more than 1 person with whom to room. Camp schedules are available, upon request, in the camp office or via e-mail.
Parents will want to download the Parent Check list to avoid any delays during final registration. Click Here for Parent Checklist
WHEN TO COME: Please begin arriving no earlier than 4:30 p.m. the day your scheduled camp begins unless you have signed up for a camp staff position. At 6 pm opening day there will be a welcome cookout and orientation class for campers and their families.
ITEMS TO BRING: For sleeping: One of these: A washable 3 ft. wide or less camping pad, A twin size air mattress, or A camping cot to sleep on. Please also bring a sleeping bag, pillow, sweatshirts, jacket, changes of clothing for each day of camp, extra socks, flip-flops for the shower, at least two pairs of shoes (not sandals) in case one should get wet, personal hygiene items, towel, washcloth, Bible, flashlight, canteen or water bottle, hat, sunscreen labeled with camper’s name. For the White River Forest Hike and the “Life’s Trail” hike please bring a strong pair of shoes (not a new pair), a pair of long pants or jeans, jacket or sweatshirt. Please label all items. Items left at camp that are not claimed within 1 week, will be given to charity.
Items not to Bring: Short shorts (all shorts must be finger-tip length or longer), short skirts, shirts with spaghetti straps, belly shirts, electronic devices of any kind (including tablets, laptops, and cell phones), pocket knives sling shots, snacks or candy—exception: special diets and food allergies. Any camper dressed inappropriately will be asked to change clothes. Any items on this list that arrive with the camper will be removed from the tepee and stored in the office until camp ends. The possession of weapons, alcohol, drugs, or tobacco will be reported to the county Sheriff and will be cause for immediate dismissal.
WHEN TO PICK UP: All camps close with check out from 4-5 p.m. the last day of each camp. Please make arrangements to promptly pick up your child no later than 5 pm that day.
Dept. of Health regulations require that no child go barefoot. We are required to have a medical person on the camp grounds 24 hrs. a day. Please understand that all prescription and over-the-counter meds, as well as essential oils sent with your child must be their original packaging with the child’s name on it and must be turned over to our medical staff upon arrival at camp. If your child has an inhaler they need to keep with them, it must be designated on the CAMPER HEALTH RECORD FORM with signed parental consent and signed prescribing practitioner authorization on that form—the inhaler and signed health form must be shown to the medical staff upon your child’s arrival. The camp is covered by liability accident and limited medical insurance for campers who DO NOT have an insurance plan.
The camp has a basic statement of faith which is available upon request, or on the website under DOWNLOADS. In keeping with our nondenominational status we do not teach the doctrine of any particular denomination. We feel these individual beliefs should be taught by the child’s parent and local church.
Should an emergency arise or you have prior plans and need to take your child home from camp any time before 4 p.m. the final day, you must call the camp office as soon as possible to make arrangements with the Camp Director. This is done for your child’s safety. Any child leaving early with pay the full week’s fee.
Parents or guardians please note: Phone calls from the camp by campers at any time during the week will be for emergency reasons only. Any camper who disregards the Camper Rules will be cautioned and may be cause for dismissal from camp.
If your child is enrolled in a summer sports activity in Garfield County that requires attendance at games, we encourage them to still come to camp. We have a very flexible program that allows parents from the surrounding area to pick campers up in time to get them to their game and then return them before lights out.
Each child should bring the following a minimum of $10 additional money to visit the Trading Post. This will entitle them to one food item and one drink item per day. This amount is to be paid upon arrival at camp. If the child does not visit the Trading Post on any given day, the remaining money will be given to the missions’ project. If a child wishes to purchase any Non-food products i.e. hats, stuffed animals, pens, stamps, etc., their parent must place an additional deposit in their account upon arrival at camp to cover these purchases. The child may make purchases of only non-food items from this balance and any remaining non-food balance at the end of camp will either be given to the mission project or returned to the parent upon pick up.
Gift Certificates~ Friends and relatives may purchase a gift certificate for a camper from the camp to be used for camp fees. Call the camp to find out how you can obtain these certificates. (Up to $100 for any camper.)
Parent or Guardian Volunteer~ If a parent or guardian volunteers to work an entire camp, the camper’s fee is reduced by 50%. The camp also takes care of room and board for the parent/guardian volunteer.
CAMPER RULES (Revised 07/04/2024)
1. No short shorts, skirts or dresses or halter tops, baby T’s, or spaghetti straps are to be worn. Shorts must be fingertip length (5” inseam) For all campers: No undergarments should be showing. Sandals are discouraged. Flip-flops may be worn in the creek or showers. Anyone dressed inappropriately will be asked to change.
2. No electronic devices (including cell phones), magazines, or other entertainment items are allowed. We have a unique program which will not allow time for these items. If any of these are brought to camp they will be removed and kept in the camp office until the end of camp at which time they will be returned to the parent.
3. Snacks from home for special diets will be stored in the camp store (Trading Post) with the camper’s name on them. No Snacks are to be brought from home for any other reason. No food can be kept in the tepees.
4. Lewd or profane language is not allowed at any time. Possession of weapons, tobacco, vaping, illegal drugs, or alcohol is prohibited. This applies to all parents and guests while on camp property.
5. Campers are to remain on the campgrounds at all times.
6. Campers are to be present and participate in all activities unless written exclusion is given by a doctor or the camp nurse. Any illness must be reported to the medical person immediately.
7. Quiet hours are observed from 10 pm. to 7 am.
8. Campers must wash hands before and after meals. Keep tepees and bathrooms clean, use a washable pad, cot or narrow air mattress to sleep on, and keep trash picked up.
9. Campers may not go into the kitchen at any time unless given permission by the cook.
10. Campers may not be on the long house deck or in the long house rooms unless seeing the nurse or with permission of the Chief.
11. Campers are not to ring any bell unless asked to do so by a senior staff member.
12. All campers are to be respectful of other’s property.
13. Girls are not permitted in or next to the boys’ tepees; boys are not permitted in or next to the girls’ tepees. An invisible line runs from the middle of the top tepee to the firepit and should not be crossed over by either boys or girls. Boys must GO AROUND the fire pit to enter the bathhouse.
14. Campers are to deposit all money into the Trading Post fund at the time of registration.
15. Campers and Sr. Counselors must relinquish all medications, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and essential oils to the camp medical staff upon arrival at camp.
16. Campers will sit with their tribe for all meals except for the birthday meal.
17. Campers must not throw rocks at or damage the tepees. No one is to sit or stand on the gates, walls of the worship house, or the fences. No one can climb on the flag pole or tepee poles. No one can remove tepee stakes.
18. Campers will be with their Sr. Counselor or Counselor-In-Training during the rest hour and will be responsible to the Sr. counselor for his/her whereabouts at all times.
19. Campers and staff are not to drink the water from the water hoses. This is irrigation water and has not been filtered or treated!
20. Campers and staff are not to attempt to pick up, corner or entrap any wild animal such as mice, chipmunks, squirrels, snakes, turkeys, deer, birds and so on. These animals are wild and may bite.