2024 Prioritized Maintenance List
posted by Miss Marie @ 4:50pm, Wednesday 24 April 2024.
Prioritized Maintenance List for 2024
This list can be downloaded and printed from our downloads tab, documents.
We invite Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, Life Groups, Teen Groups, Men’s Groups and Women’s groups to schedule a day to help with these projects. Also, groups from Alpine Bank are welcome to come during week-days as Community Service Days for our Non-Profit.
We begin workdays April 17th. Most work days are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. unless otherwise specified.
We will be working on this list during all work days (Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays are workdays) AND any week days you wish to come but you must call at least 48 hours in advance for weekdays so we may check our personal schedules to enable us to work alongside you and provide materials and any other assistance you may require.
We provide drinking water and snacks. Please bring your own lunch and tools. (970) 876-2108 or (970) 618-5908. Please ask for Skip.
- May 1,-4, 6-11,13-15, 17,18,20, 22-25, 29-31
- June 1-11, 17,18, 22, 24.
- Tepee Set Up Dates: June 3,5,6-8,10-11, 9 a.m.- 8 pm. or until finished.
- Finalize new activity projects June 10-11 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Final Clean up of grounds and all buildings: June 11: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please call at least 48 hours ahead so we may have a head count to ensure proper supervision of all work day crews.
Items to be completed:
E= items that need a licensed plumber or electrician or someone with extensive knowledge.
First Priority: To be done this year before camps start, June 12th, so we need these done before that day.
- E: Foreman to oversee this project: Build 7 new platforms for all tepees. Depending on weather above 50 degrees F.
- Folks willing to work under the foreman above to Build new platforms for all tepees.
- E: An adult with drywall expertise to finish some smaller patching projects in the dining room and kitchen areas.
- E: Cut a hole in the Trading Post wall and install an air conditioner unit.
- June 22: Put together a 9 Square In the Air court. Directions and materials provided, put together a Gaga Ball Court, Directions and materials are ready.
- Build an additional Gaga ball court. Directions and materials provided
- Weed eat and clear life’s trail – do as much as you can in the time you have (Groups welcome)
- Paint the interior walls of the two cabins, the Trading Post, and bathrooms of 6 motel rooms Can be done one cabin, one room at a time. Groups welcome.
- New toilet gaskets in bath house to installed in the guy's bath house
- small water tubing run to a coffee maker,
- Paint the drywall patched areas mentioned above.
- Remove boards for the seats of several picnic tables and replace with new boards- stain
- Caulk and paint all wood buildings.
- Demolish the old double wide and haul any items that can be donated to Habitat for Humanity and unusable items to the dump. Just dump fees.
- In one day: Remove the old furnace in the Eatum House and build a platform and tile it for the pellet stove
- On a separate day: Install the pellet stove.
- The cross on the hill needs to have lights restrung and any other maintenance performed.
- Apply new stain to the Picnic tables and all decks. Paint one board all the way around the rail of the Trading Post.
- Clear brush and downed limbs from the creek area, life's trail, the recreation field area, and the lower field near the trading post.
- Parking lot leveling – depends on funds received for Road Base and gravel DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED -WATCH FOR FACEBOOK AND EMAIL NOTICE
- Teens and adults to help mend barbed wire fences and replace fence broken fence posts and install some new t-posts.
- Folks with Pick-up trucks to haul any unusable materials to the landfill, the camp will provide funds for the fees.
- Paint all propane tanks
- Rebuild several benches in the worship house and paint them.
- Build another horseshoe pit. Materials provided
2nd Priority: Would like to have these done before October 1st
- E Straighten the tubing hill and re-work the creek with a bridge. Must be done in Aug or Sept. of whatever year.
- Dig a trench and install a water line from the RV Hookups to the Trading Post and Install a yard spigot.
- E Remove existing wall and kitchen of craft house and install or build a lockable cabinet in Southeast corner.
- Replace the flooring in the Craft House, Missionary Cabin and Office.
- Replace all old light fixtures in bathrooms in the Long House.
- E Install lights in the Eatum House Deck.
- Replace florescent lights in the Eatum house with LED.
- Redo seating at the fire pit with something permanent.
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