May 2013 Newsletter
posted by Miss Marie @ 10:17pm, Wednesday 8 May 2013.
Spring is here and after a wonderful teen guy’s retreat in April, we are beginning our preparations for this summer’s camps. Our teen Girl’s retreat has been postponed to either the first or second full weekend of September due to staff illness during the planned May 3-5 weekend. We will give you firm dates in the July newsletter. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you will be able to attend in the future.
We apologize for the lateness of this newsletter. Some of you may know that Skip lost his right leg below the knee Feb. 28th due to sepsis from a spider bite. We were in Grand Junction for his medical care until April 19th. He now has a prosthesis and is slowly getting into a new routine. He is not allowed to be on his feet for more than 30 minutes at a time. The doctors have told him he cannot work for over a year while he acclimates to the prosthesis and they keep a watchful eye on his left foot. Many of you also know that our carpet cleaning business helped us not only pay our personal bills but enabled us to give $1000 or more to the camp each year. Please consider “standing in the gap” at this critical time with your prayers, and financial support of the camp as well as volunteering for any summer staff position you think you can fill and working at any of our work days or Helping Hands Family Camp.
- Remember the price of summer camp goes up after May 15th so please have your registrations postmarked by that date to save $30 on the long camps, or $15 on the short camp. If you cannot complete the health form by that date just send the registration form with either your pre-registration portion of the fee or the entire fee and write a note in the “Notes to Camp” area stating you will bring your medical form with you when you come to camp. Registering early not only helps you, but helps us know what quantities of food, craft and game supplies, and t-shirts to order.
- Helping Hands Camp is coming up! Dates are May 31-June 2. This is a FREE camp.
Here are some projects we will be working on during work days (May 11,18) and during helping hands, please see the website to register for Helping Hands and to see a complete list of projects.
- Repair leaks at the bath house. (have materials)
- Install new counter tops and sinks in the bath house (already have materials and sinks)
- Replace some faucets in the boys’ bath house.
- Clean all rooms in the long house, wash all curtains and re-hang
- Clean and organize the craft house.
- Replace the faucets to the little sinks in the cabins or…replace the supply lines to the kitchen sinks in the cabins and remove the little sinks.
- Re-tar the flashing around all the vents on the Eat’um House..the vent above the cook stove leaks.
- Remove the vent pipe from the old wood stove in the Eat’um House and put a piece of metal under the sheet metal on the roof to cover the hole and seal. Inside- drywall, tape and mud and paint the hole in the ceiling.
- Remove old air conditioner in the Eat’um House; close up hole, drywall and paint or install a power vent and trim.
- Rewire Eat’um house so that we can install the dishwasher as well as section off wiring for new breakers.
- Re-work plumbing in the kitchen area of the Eat’um house so we can install the dishwasher.
- Make lined curtains for the Eat’um House..
- Install a swamp cooler in the dining room ceiling. When we do that we will need to remove the old swamp cooler out of kitchen window and install a screen.
- Plant additional plants in Dee’s Garden and flower bed beside the office
- Replace the outside back door and casing on the Trading Post –Need a 36” exterior door and casing purchased and donated.
- Purchase and install a 36” screen door for the front of the Trading Post (purchase from Lowes -Item #: 101093 | Model #: WFRD36 cost: approximately $40)
- Replace interior door (28”) to the recreation room. (Can be a used door- donation)
- Replace green corrugated fiberglass on worship house (6 sheets need to be purchased)
- Spread wood chips under obstacles on obstacle course.
- Tear down old barn along life’s trail and haul any unusable items to the dump.
- Build a new archery target. –have materials.
- Paint and install screen doors on the back and front doors of the craft house, two rooms on the long house, the office, chief’s cabin, and missionary cabin. (all are 32” doors-need to purchase these from Lowes- Item #: 99903 | Model #: WFRD32 cost: approximately $40 each)
As of May 15, we have a NEW, IMPROVED WEBSITE designed by Jeremiah Bjork of Monumental Computer Solutions. You can now register for camp online as well as see all our volunteer position openings and job descriptions. There is also a kid’s page, music, video clips (not loaded yet), pictures, a list of our needs, and our project list. We may still have some adjustments to make once you all start using the site so please be patient with us as we make it as user friendly as possible.
Volunteer staff positions available:
- Camp cook for May 31-June 2, June 23-28, July 9-12, July 14-18
- Bible Teacher for July 9-12 (grades 2-4) (2 hour commitment each morning)
- Counselors age 18 and up for all camps
- C.I.T. (counselors in training) Age 16-17 for all camps
- Medical Person for June 23-28 and Medical person for July 14-18
- Jr Staff (ages 14-16) all camps
- Craft leaders for June 23-28 and July 9-12 (2 hour commitment each morning
- Recreation leaders for all camps (2hr. commitment each afternoon)
- Missionaries for all camps (If your church has recently been on a mission trip we need people to give a 20 minute presentation of your trip Sun- Thurs evenings at 7:30 for the longer camps and Tues-Thurs evenings at 7:30 for the short camp.)
Staff Training: June 19-21 ages 14 -18 (CPR class - 20th at Crown Peak Baptist 9 am- 2 pm)
June 22 – adult training 1-7 p.m. (This is a time change due to the parade.)
Strawberry Days Parade June 22, 9 am: We look forward to seeing many of you at this event!
Prayer Requests:
- For volunteers to step up during this time of crisis and fill all the positions needed for summer camps. (We love having parents volunteer!)
- For all our summer staff that the Holy Spirit will direct their lives and that their relationship with Christ will grow and grow and grow.
- For all the children and youth that will attend camp this summer, that they will begin a personal relationship with Jesus and that those who already know Him as Lord and Savior will grow in their relationship with Him.
- For the health and safety of all campers and staff this summer.
- For the camp directors and board of directors that they will have the mind of Christ when making decisions for the camp and planning for the future of the camp.
- That all the financial needs of the camp will be met.
- For the health of the camp directors and board members.
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