August 2013 Newsletter
posted by Miss Marie @ 5:10pm, Friday 23 August 2013.
Happy "Almost-fall" everyone!
We had a wonderful summer of youth camps and are busy preparing for our final two events of the season: Family Camp August 30-September 2, and Teen Girl's Retreat September 27-29. You will find registration forms for these two events on the website.
2014 Camp Dates:
Snow Camps: Jan. 24-26: 7-12th Grade Jan. 31-Feb 2: Age 7 through 6th grade
Teen Retreats: April 25-27: Guys 7-12th grade September 26-28: Girls 7-12th grade
Helping Hands: May 30-June 1
Staff Training under age 18: June 11-13
*NEW* Required Chief and Adult Staff Training: noon-6 p.m. June 16, 21, July 12. (Changed from mailed newsletter)
Summer Camps: Age 7-Grade 4 June 17-20 Grade 5-7 June 22-27 Grades 8-10 July 13-18
We are so thankful to the Lord for providing our workers this summer! Over 50 people helped with Helping Hands Family Camp where 12 churches were represented! We were able to make improvements on the property and buildings which made camping for the youth much more enjoyable. Many individuals stepped up and donated items and funds. We also had several businesses donate items, services, and funds to the camp. Among those were:
B&B Plumbing Rifle City Market H & K Trucking
Mountain Pest Control Flat Tops Fencing Advanced Automotive & Truck Repair
Churches represented were:
Rocky Mountain Baptist Crown Peak Baptist Cowboy Church
Fellowship of the Rockies Palisade Nazarene Loma Community
River of Life Alliance The Journey-Craig Rifle Assembly
Faith Baptist - Parachute Mountain View Bible Fellowship - Estes Park Church on the Rock
It was wonderful to see God's people and businesses from the surrounding community come together to help provide a great local place for youth and their families to enjoy the outdoors and worship the Lord together! If we did not mention your church or business, please let us know. This year was truly a year when we felt the support and love of our community and the surrounding communities!
Our workers this summer were terrific! We had wonderful counselors, Bible teachers, cooks, missionaries, C.I.T.'s, craft leaders, recreation leaders, and medical personnel. Two of our workers came early to help with the weed eating and mowing, and several staff stayed after our first camp was over to help make sure everything was ready for the subsequent camps! Many of our workers were between the ages of 15 and 21. Watching them give their lives in service for NO PAY was amazing! Because of the dedication of these workers, over 25 youth made decisions for Christ this year! Praise God!
We will be hosting a work day on September 21st from 10a.m. to 5 p.m. Lunch will be served. Our biggest projects during this day will be to take down all 13 tepees and stain/water seal the decks. See the website for more projects that could be done anytime between now and this work day.
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